Playing Bones Origin Story

Why Playing Bones the YouTube channel? Why It all comes back to a memory I had as a young child...
When I was growing up my dad and his friends regularly got together and played dominoes. Of course they played the "all fives" style that we discuss here on
Domino nights would happen every few weeks and would usually involve anywhere from 10 to sometimes 30 different players all commencing on one house for the evening. There is always going to be lots of food, drinks, laughter, fun and memories being made.
On this particular night in 1992 everything was going according to plan and as the night went on there was only 4 people left on the table. My Dad his partner Larry, Phillip, and Therman. I'll never forget our housephone ringing.. it was Larry's wife Gail. Gail was just calling to say it was time for Larry to come on home, it was after 11 pm after all.
The guys keep playing, maybe another 30 minutes pass by, our phone rings again, it's Gail again.. this time Larry says he has to go, but they are in the middle of the game he can't leave! My dad looks at the guys and says it's OK Larry I'll take care of them with my son.
Me being 6 and a half years old, my eyes lit up, I couldn't believe they were going to let me play. I don't remember if we won or lost but I do remember playing on the main table with the big dawgs. From that day on I was allowed to play, taken seriously, and went by the acronym "TBTWHES" short for "The Best The World Has Even Seen" at this age.